4 Things to Remember when Writing

Ok, so perhaps you have a big writing project coming up. Maybe you're publishing in a journal for the first time. Or, maybe you're beefing up your Web page or online portfolio. When staring a new project, here are some key tips to remember:1.…

Joe the Plumber's Pen

I think this article will resonate with quite a few aspiring writers:http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/07/opinion/07egan.html?ref=opinion

Opportunity for New Librarians to Publish

From beyondthejob.org...Call for book chapters: Library instruction lesson plans

Fiction Fixer = Useful?

Fiction Fixer is a paid (quite a hefty price too!) online editorial program that will help edit your manuscript for you. It is designed for people who want to be bestsellers. For the curious, here is a sample evaluation. Note: Fiction Fixer…

Anyone can Publish

No, really. It's true. In writing two book reviews this month, both books that came across my desk were pure drivel. It's not so much the content or subject matter that irked me, but the lack of writing structure and sequence. Another too common…

Knocking Out Writer's Block

Much of writer's block comes from putting on too many restrictions. It is helpful to reduce limiting factors, such as inner critics, bogged-down writing rules, and time constraints. Once you break free, you can customize your writing process…

Write for the Tech Static

The Tech Static is an upcoming journal about technology-related collection development. They are currently soliciting for collection development article queries. Current needs are here, guidelines can be found here.-The Writer Librarian

Writing Outlines with Bubbl.us Concept Maps

Sometimes I have trouble organizing my thoughts before writing. Doing a concept map usually works best for me, and today I happened upon an ILI-L listserv post that linked to a free concept map tool: http://www.bubbl.us/index.Once you log in,…

Newbie Librarians = Published Writers?

One commenter asked how those who are new to the library profession can get published. I know there are a lot of new librarians out there who share this individual's concerns.Some common issues include:1. Lack of professional connections2. Feeling…

The Writer Librarian

I started this blog to help librarians who want to be published. Whether you are an academic librarian looking for tenure, or you surround yourself with poetry and prose in the hopes of writing your own book, you fall into this category. I am…