In my last post, I talked about the disadvantages of being one in a crowd of many writers.

But strength in numbers has its advantages, too. Take the following advertisement (meant to encourage people to take the bus):

Just like all these worker ants, each aspiring writer is doing what he/she can to get by. And sometimes, forces beyond our control pull us down, much like the ant who almost got vaccuumed up.

What saved him were his allies.

The point: Instead of fighting in the crowd of masses, try to find allies within it. Find people to rely on when things get rough. Find others who can help you network and make connections. Join regional chapters of national organizations (like SCBWI or RWA). Find other writers in your area. Take a class. Join a group. Meet online.

I’ve been meeting the same writers online every week for the past four years. Not only do we make time to write, but we support one another too.

Writing is a tough business. But together, we can pull each another through.

REMINDER: This is the last week to enter for a free giveaway of MY FRESHMAN YEAR AND OTHER UNNATURAL DISASTERS. Tweet an embarrassing moment to @WriterLibrarian with the hashtag #FrYrDisasters, or leave your moment in the comments section of this blog.

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